LED Zone
What is this game?
It is an interactive and adventurous game in which players must react quickly and move around a huge LED-lit floor. The game tests both physical fitness and reaction speed. The floor is divided into squares that light up in different colors to indicate where players must step. The game is perfect for anyone who wants to be active, improve reaction, coordination, teamwork and just enjoy a fun physical challenge.
1-4 players can play at the same time. If there are more players, the game is played alternately. We offer as many as 5 different games, each with 9-10 difficulty levels. One game level lasts about 1 minute on average.

Price: 30 min - 50 Eur

Everything you need to have a great time!
By ordering this entertainment, you get:
Huge private space for the celebration (tables, chairs, kettle, knife, WC);
A sofa with a TV, through which you can watch the entire game;
Music player;
Table football;
30 minutes extra time for preparation and cool down between games (valid once for repeat bookings on the same day).